Going forward I will be taking this Substack down a new path. Before I had been writing about yorelore happenings in the same kind of Anglish as I do with latter day news writs. But now I will be doing something altogether new.
The yorelorish writs will be backed up with the other happenings where everyone can read them for free, and writs here on the Substack instead will be my own selfly thoughts on Anglish, tongue cleanliness more broadly, and anything else weighing on my mind.
My drive for doing this is mostly owing to the hate I have gotten for doing Anglish at all. There are a lot of naysayers out there who hate Anglish and seek to keep it down. I want to think through their worries and talk about how I see things. I might not bring anyone over to my side, but writing down my thoughts will help me work them out for myself.
To those who believe in Anglish and want to see it do well, I would ask you to also make your own writings, you need input and output to learn a tongue.
Thanks for reading!